Monday 1 December 2014


Aweet and Louise

  1. Yes, female condoms prevent STI's
  2. Yes, it is suitable for young adults
  3. No, the catholic church don't approve of it
  4. Aweet; No, because I would find it uncomfortable. Louise: No, because it's not for me 
  5. 7/10
  6. Aweet; I would've like to see some images but it was overall fantastic  Louise: It has great information 

Evaluation - Chloe and Alessandra

1. Yes, this method does assist in the prevention of STIs.
2. Yes this method would be suitable for a young person.
3. No, they dislike anything unnatural
4. Yes, if we had no other option
5. 6/10
7. NIL

Rachel and Amber H evaluation

  1. Does this form of family planning protect against STIs? Yes
  2. Is this method of family planning suitable for a young adult? Yes
  3. Would the Catholic Church condone this method of family planning? No they hate everything
  4. Would you use this form of family planning? Maybe
  5. What would you score this blog out of 10 (10 is the best) 7/10
  6. Other comments is time allows


Thanks for looking at our blogger. Can you please give us some critical feedback by answering the below questions. We know that any feedback that we receive is to help us improve.

  1. Does this form of family planning protect against STIs?
  2. Is this method of family planning suitable for a young adult?
  3. Would the Catholic Church condone this method of family planning?
  4. Would you use this form of family planning?
  5. What would you score this blog out of 10 (10 is the best)
  6. Other comments is time allows

Female Condom Questions