Tuesday 25 November 2014

Conversation with God and parents

Dear Diary,
Today I asked my mother about sex before marriage because my boyfriend and I really care about each other and thought it would be okay to do it before marriage if our intention was good. She said that as a Catholic it would not be accepted and that any method of birth control that wasn't natural, like the female condom which we wanted to use, was not accepted. I told her that surely God would understand that if I loved my boyfriend enough he would allow us. She said the only way of knowing that was to ask God myself.

So I prayed and told him everything like how we are in love and want to use the female condom, because it's not just that we aren't ready to have a baby but we don't want contract any STI's. The only method of birth control that catholic's accept does not at all prevent one from contracting STI's. Eventually God responded.

God told me that he was proud that our intentions were good and that I asked for his approval first. He was not sure if he could allow it though as no one had asked him before. However he was not willing to change the rules for two people but made an excellent point when he said that if I wait until after marriage it would be more special and that it would be something my husband and I would cherish forever.

I told my mother and she said that I was making the right decision and that she was proud of me because if I used the catholic method of family planning I may not have been protected from STI's and that I was doing the right thing by waiting until marriage. I also told my boyfriend and at first he was hesitant but I convinced him. We decided we would be happy to wait for something that special and it wouldn't have to be too long because we're engaged!

Saturday 22 November 2014

Script for conversation with partner and/or doctor

Doctor: Hi, how are you today?

Patient: All good thanks.

Doctor: So what's the problem?

Patient: No problem Doc I just had a few questions about female condoms.

Doctor: Okay, go ahead.

Patient: Alright so I've used the pill and and I'm wondering are female condoms just as good as the pill from protecting against pregnancy?

Doctor: Well pills have a 99.7% chance of working whereas the female condom has a 95% chance when used perfectly. However Female condoms, unlike pills, protect against the spread of STI's making them a safer option unless you use both the pill and female condom, but you do not have to.

Patient: Right, so do female condoms mess with your menstrual cycle?

Doctor: No, not at all.

Patient: Great. Um, is the female condom similar to the male condom?

Doctor: Yes the idea is the same. Instead of the traditional condom which goes on the male's penis, it goes inside the vagina.

Patient: Would you say it is better or worse than a male condom?

Doctor: They are really very similar. A female condom though does allow you though to take control of your own protection from STI's. There are many opinions on which are better or more pleasurable, it really depends on the individual and their own experience with each method. In my opinion using female condoms are a good idea for a number of reasons. They are inexpensive and are easy to purchase. Also when used properly they are effective at stoping pregnancy and protecting from STI's.

Patient: Awesome, so where can I buy them.

Doctor: Female condoms can be purchased at grocery and drugstores without a prescription from a doctor.

Patient: Thanks so much you really cleared things up for me.

Doctor: Any time, have a great day.

Patient: Thanks, you too.